
It is recommended that students attend this session.

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND ORIENTATION will be held at 6 p.m., Dec. 2, 2024:

at logan center, 2505 E. Jefferson Blvd, South Bend (Google Map)

The orientation and general meeting for both volunteers and students with their parents or guardians. We'll answer any and all questions and try to give you a good sense of what we'll be doing on the snow. We will also give you some advice on how to dress for the weather (no need to buy a lot of expensive gear).

PRE-SEASON EXERCISES will be at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, in the gym at Hannah and Friends. (NOTE the date change)

hannah & friends (gym), 51136 Hollyhock rd, south bend (Google Map)

In this meeting, students and volunteers gather to do some exercises and games to help us get to know one another. These activities are also a good introduction to the physical things ahead. All registration and medical forms need to be turned in by this date.